Class Infromation

I Teach Classes, I might could Teach for you!

I am Taran Saraev, a Mongol of the 13-14th century at the height of the empire. I love learning and teaching. I am interested in period nomadic life and the cultural/knowledge exchanges via the Pax Mongolia! My concentration is on The Mongolian Steppes, China, & Russia. In addition I am also in love with the period sciences especially astronomy and alchemy. I enjoy heraldry, herbalism, and research in general.  I have dabbled in brewing and venting, leather working, the arts, heavy weapons, archery, and the like.

My mundane name is Charles Hill, I give classes or talks in topics across a range of topics. One of my topics is the history and philosophy of science, specialties here are in astronomy and alchemy. I also have a strong interest in life during the Mongolian Empire, and those cultures it touched. I am also trained in topics regarding philosophy and religion. The classes listed below are focused toward pre-17th century historical recreation as practiced in the Society for Creative Anachronism. I might could teach for you, especially if you are in the central Florida area. We could always at least talk. I might could create a class toward your need or the focus of your group. For questions regarding class email me at

List of Up Coming Classes

January 2023
Mongol Heraldry @ Virtual Known World Heraldic and Scribal Symposium January 06 (Avacal)
Arabic Heraldry @ Virtual Known World Heraldic and Scribal Symposium January 07 (Avacal)
Russian Heraldry @ Virtual Known World Heraldic and Scribal Symposium January 07 (Avacal)

Classes I Offer by Topic

Mongol Classes
  • Mongol Persona Development - Fleshing out details in Mongolian persona. This class outlines history, dress, culture, languages, resources, stereotypes, names, heraldry, and other oddities for making an in-depth mongol persona. For the Horde!
  • Mongol Costuming - An overview of what the Mongol’s wore. General costuming and accessory ideas for living Mongol in our current middle ages.
  • Mongol Heraldry - An overview of Mongol naming practices, armory practices, and scroll work viewed within a frame work for SCA use.
  • Lamb Stew and Mongol Cooking - Learn to make a Mongol lamb stew and hear an overview of Mongol cooking.
  • Mongol Gourmet - An overview of food and customs pertaining to the Mongols and Mongol Empire.
  • Mongol Bardic Traditions - An exploration of the performing arts in Mongol Culture, focusing on the Mongol Imperial period. Storytelling, Drama, and More.
  • The Mongol Ordu - A look at Mongol encampments and with attention to daily life on the steep
  • Mongol Women - An introduction to the historical role of women in Mongol Culture.

Astronomy Classes
  • Astronomy 1: Astronomy for the SCA - An Introduction to what astronomy was and how it was practiced within the times and paces researched in the SCA.
  • Astronomy 2: Quadrants & Astrolabes - A theoretical and hands on practicum on the use of these two period astronomical instruments.
  • Astronomy 3: Sol & Luna - An Introduction to pre-Copernican Solar and Lunar Theory. Suggested after ether Astronomy 1 or 2 (If not both)
  • Astronomy 4: The Five Wanderers - An Introduction to pre-Copernican planetary theory. Suggested after ether Astronomy 1 or 2 (If not both) and Astronomy 3.
  • The Nocturnal  - Outlines the history, use, and a simple construction of the Nocturnal. The Nocturnal is a pre-17th century astronomical and navigational device use to tell time at night.
  • Norse Navigation- A survey of Norse Navigational practices with an eye on history, mythology, and function.

Philosophy and Other Pre-17th Century Sciences
  • An Introduction to Medieval Alchemy - An introduction on the history and practice of Alchemy within the period of The Society for Creative Anachronism
  • Basic Herbal Preparations - A step by step walk through basic herbal preparations, how-to-make infusions, decoctions, poultices, and the like
  • A Survey of Magic through the Renaissance - A survey of the magic through the period of the SCA.
  • Spagyric Medicine - A type of herbal preparation or medicine making use the three great processes of Alchemy. An Introduction to Medieval Alchemy would be useful but is not required
  • Medieval Physics - A survey of the thinkers and theories of how physical things work through the period of the SCA.
  • Medieval of Philosophy - A survey of the history of philosophy from St. Augustine through St. Thomas Aquinas with fun stuff along the way.

Heraldry Classes
  • Heraldry 101 - An introduction to SCA armory or the the creation of devices.
  • Mongol Heraldry - An overview of Mongol naming practices, armory practices, and scroll work viewed within a frame work for SCA use.
  • Designing your device workshop - A flexible workshop for people to make and experiment with different device ideas.
  • Russian Heraldry - An overview of Russian naming practices, armory practices, and scroll work viewed within a frame work for SCA use.
  • Arabic Heraldry - An overview of Arabic naming practices, armory practices, and scroll work viewed within a frame work for SCA use.
  • Heraldic Protocol, Traditions, and Precedence - An introduction to the heraldic protocol, traditions, and precedence of the kingdom of Trimaris. Answers questions about heraldic titles, court, peer ceremonies, orders of march, the Trimarian award system, and the like.
  • Name and Device Submission - An over view of the SCA Rules for heraldry submissions and best practices helping clients.
  • Heraldic Device Consultation (Howto) - This is an introduction to helping people register devices.
  • Heraldic Name Consultation (Howto) - This is an introduction to helping people register names.
  • Exploring Regional Heraldry - An introduction of how to explore regional heraldry topics by comparing and contrasting the naming practices, armory practices, and scroll work of the Mongols, Russians, and Arabs in the time period of the SCA.
  • Heralds Warranting Part 1: How to be a Local Herald - This is an introduction to the office of Local herald.
  • Heralds Warranting Part 2: Armory Submissions - This is an introduction to helping people register devices.
  • Heralds Warranting Part 3: Names Submissions - This is an introduction to helping people register names.
  • Train The Teachers (Heralds Warranting) - A walk through of how to turn the three lesson plan packets into the three Heralds Warranting classes.
  • Taught How to Comment on Names and Armory - A walking through of how to comment on names and devices by walking through a kingdom internal letter.
  • How to Research a Name - This class covers the basics of how to do research on names, so that you can choose one for yourself or better assist others to do so.
  • Name Conflict Checking - The fundamentals for beginning and intermediate name conflict checking.

Other Classes
  • An Introduction to Mumming - An introduction to what is mumming is, and then let's do a simple one!
  • The Dream - A Discussion of the Values and Philosophies of the Society for Creative Anachronism
  • Chess for the Current Middle Ages - Overview of the History of Chess, the Medieval rules of the game, and time to play.
  • A Brief History of Theatre for the Current Middle Ages - A survey of the Theatre through the period of the SCA.
  • Round Table Discussion: Offices and what they mean - A round table discussion of the offices with in the SCA.
  • Rules and Manuals: A Round Table Discussion on SCA Administration - A round table discussion of the rules and administration of the SCA.

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