My SCA Persona

Taran Saraev (Ungene Gal)

    I am Taran Saraev, a Mongol of the 13-14th century at the height of the empire. I love learning and teaching. I am interested in period nomadic life and the cultural/knowledge exchanges via the Pax Mongolia! My concentration is on The Mongolian Steppes, China, & Russia. In addition I am also in love with the period sciences especially astronomy and alchemy. I enjoy heraldry, herbalism, and research in general.  I have dabbled in brewing and venting, leather working, the arts, heavy weapons, archery, and the like.

Taran Saraev (Ungene Gal)

Per chevron Gules and argent two Russian Crosses and a fox passant counterchanged
Circa 1238-1379 A.D. Golden Horde Russia
Unegen Gal was (is) a mongol of the Golden Horde. He was born of an honored family of old lesser khans, who had been out of power for many years. He first fought under Batu Khan helping conquer Russia and Eastern Europe. During these years he was a warrior and a herdsmen like most of his ken. After the death of his beloved Khan Batu, he returned from the European campaigns to bury his Khan and return to the steppe life for a time. During the reign of Berke Khan he found a place at court serving in various positions. He excelled in his duties and acquired a love for astronomy and sciences.

Like many Mongols Unegen was first a mongol and held religious believes second. Most of his life he clung to his native Shamanism. Soon he herd news of Berke Khan's nephews' (Bergai's) miraculous healing and conversion to Russian Orthodoxy. Interested, he made some inquiries about orthodoxy. At this time he had been given the position of a baskaki. While traveling to farm tribute, he had a vision of the Theotokos who warned him against harming Christians along the way. After he awoke he felted compelled to become a Christian. When he returned to Sarai, the Mongol capital of Russia, he was baptized Taran Saraev, and from that time on he was faithful to his new religion.

Taran continued to excel in court life. He took a Persian bride, and had a happy family. Taran never cared for the cities, always preferring the nomadic life of his ancestors. He also took up the sword when need be. Both in mongol conflicts with rivaling clans and those with non Mongols. He was respected for his wisdom and bravery. And for the rest of his days he grew in wisdom and stature before the eyes of his peers.

Gules, in pale a staple inverted argent and a plate.

1 comment:

  1. In addition to your wonderful research contributions that supports Mongol and neighboring persona contexts, I am very inspired by the character development you've shared here for your individual persona. I have been mostly focused on contextual research and have devoted almost nothing yet towards actual character development specific to my individual SCA persona. I think what you've shared here role models a way to tap that creative energy both deeply and brilliantly. Thank you for your insightful genius! You help nourish the Creative part of the SCA along with the rest.
